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The Flash War Ends in THE FLASH #50 (Exclusive Preview)

It’s the question fans of the Scarlet Speedster have been asking for years: who is the fastest hero to call himself The Flash, Barry Allen or Wally West? Barry made the Flash a household name, and even sacrificed his life during Crisis on Infinite Earths to save the multiverse, becoming the patron saint of the DC Comics universe. But for over two decades after, former Kid Flash Wally West carried the mantle and was the Flash for an entire generation of fans. Now, thanks to the events of Flash War, the question of who is truly the fastest man alive may finally be answered and we have an exclusive look at the next part of the story.

Ever since Wally West emerged in the DC Universe again thanks to the events of DC Rebirth, fans have been wondering if all of his pre-Flashpoint memories would return, including those of his children, Jai and Iris. Now that his knowledge of his kids has come back to him, Wally is ready to run fast enough to break the Speed Force in half, all in order to bring his family back together. But can Barry allow Wally to go this far? And what does Wally’s old arch nemesis Zoom have to do with all of this? Be sure to read the epic finale of Flash War, brought to you by the amazing creative team of writer Joshua Williamson and artist Howard Porter.

Check out an exclusive preview of the first seven pages from The Flash #50, along with the regular cover by Porter, in our gallery below. The variant cover by Francesco Mattina can be seen above.

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artists:  Howard Porter
Cover Artists: Howard Porter, Francesco Mattina (variant)

Here’s the official synopsis for issue #50:

“The lightning-fueled finale of “Flash War”! Zoom adapts two new Speed Force powers into his arsenal against both Barry Allen and Wally West. What are these strange new powers? What can they do? And how will this haunt the Scarlet Speedster long after “Flash War” is over? It’s the power of two Flashes pitted against the seemingly unstoppable Hunter Zolomon!”                                                                                                                                                              ”

The Flash #50  is due to hit stores on Wednesday, July 11.

Are you ready to make it to the finish line in the race to end all races? Be sure to to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics

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