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The First Rule of the FIGHT CLUB Rock Opera is That You Tweet About It

My first fandom was for a rock opera. Sure, Rent has come and gone in popularity over the years, but until you understand the pure, hair-raising joy of sitting in a theater and seeing it performed live, you don’t really get to judge it. Will it be the same if Chuck Palahniuk‘s tweet comes true?

In the final moments of San Diego Comic Con‘s Saturday night, the epically talented writer dropped this bomb into the Twittersphere. Not only is there a rock opera in development that’s centering on his enigmatic story, Fight Club, but some truly talented individuals of film and stage are collaborating on it. This is beyond exciting for any fan of theater, literature, or film.

Julie Taymor‘s name may still be bouncing back from Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark, but that one disaster cannot hide the fact that she is beyond talented and has brought some of my favorite things to the stage. (If you ever the chance to see The Lion King, you should. It’s one of the most beautiful musicals I have ever seen on stage. The puppetry alone is worth the ticket price.) Taymor is no stranger to adaptive work. She directed Across the Universe and both Titus and The Tempest from Shakespeare‘s canon. She is best known for her stage work however, having directed a number of Shakespeare works for the stage, The Lion King, Juan Darién: A Carnival Mass and a number of operas.

While there has been frustratingly little information released since Palahniuk’s tweet, the rumor of a Fight Club musical adaptation has been circulating since 2004 in certain circles. Who knows if this time it will actually come to fruition. I can imagine it being pretty amazing though. Just think of the gritty scenery, the drama, the opportunity for incredible fight choreography.

Are you eager to see this one developed for the stage? Tell me in the comments below!

HT: Indiewire

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