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The Evolution of Superhero Costumes: in GIF Form

Hold onto your leotards and prepare to take an morph-tacular (that’s the technical term, p.s.) trip through time with these animated gifs of the evolution of superhero costumes. Seeing the progression of the costume changes — or paint job in Hulk’s case — in such rapid succession, is a stark reminder of how far the world has come to appreciating the world of comic books.

Plus it’s just plain fun!
Spiderman’s origins seem to somehow involve radioactive jogging pants and a pair of slotted spoons for eyes.
It’s nice to see that by the time we got around to Adam West’s Batman he at had at least grown a nose. A few Bat-nippled versions later we arrive at Batfleck which  — and I can’t believe I’m saying this — now looks to be the most practical.
When it comes to good ol’ Supes, despite the costume looking relatively store-bought by now, Christopher Reeves will forever be the Superman everyone thinks of.
The juxtaposition of Lou Ferigno’s Hulk against the more modern CGI versions make the old fashioned green machine seem just a bit lamer than it normally would. Thank goodness the Ang Lee cartoonish version was scrapped, but am I the only one who thinks the Edward Norton version looks best? Nothing against Ruffalo, but Norton’s Hulk just worked for me.

Someone out there has got to be related to the person who I can only hope was fired for the Captain American Motorcycle helmet. That helmet is in someone’s basement and the entire family just doesn’t talk about the time grandpa had to suddenly look for another job after he brought the helmet home while crying. Other than Batman, this progression might be the best evolution of costumes. We went from the dollar store action figure version to quite possibly the best “real life” comic book look that exists today.

HT: Daily Dot

What’s the best costume design over the years? Trick question. The best has and will always be The Greatest American Hero, but if you have other contenders, let us know in the comments below.

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