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The Epic HALO 5: GUARDIANS Opening Cinematic Has Arrived

Can we take a break from gushing about the epic scope of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and instead rant about how great Halo 5: Guardians is looking? Microsoft has released the opening cinematic for the game, and it’s filled to the brim with balls-to-the-wall action, with Spartan Locke and the rest of Fireteam Osiris looking sharp. With an October 27 launch date quickly approaching, it’s time to get hyped about Master Chief and Locke gracing our Xbox Ones. Everything that has already been shown since E3 has looked utterly fantastic. Peep the whole cinematic above.

We must temper our excitement though, since this is just an opening cinematic, after all. However, if the gameplay can come anywhere close to matching the action from the intro, we’re in for one hell of a ride. The action sequence looks great and the acting is also phenomenal, so kudos to 343 Industries.

This developer still has a lot to prove. Halo 4 was divisive among the hardcore fans; some loved every second of it, while others weren’t too keen on it. With Halo 4, though, 343 proved it could create a good experience in the Halo universe, even if it wasn’t universally accepted as the greatest installment in the series. Then came Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which was plagued by post-launch issues that rendered much of it nearly unplayable. Halo 5 is the opportunity to make fans forget The MCC debacle, and get on board with their vision of what the franchise will be in the future.

Did you enjoy the opening cinematic? What do you want out of the gameplay? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Microsoft

Image Credit: Xbox 

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