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The Doctor Is Barely Getting Started In DOCTOR WHO’s Series 9 Finale Trailer

There are spoilers ahead for the most recent episode of Doctor Who. If you aren’t current with Doctor Who series 9, then you should either wait and watch the episode or read Kyle Anderson’s review to catch up before proceeding. You’ve been warned!

After so many years and so many lifetimes, the Doctor is home. And for the very first time in the Doctor Who revival series, Whovians are going to see an entire episode set on Gallifrey! Someone laid out an elaborate trap for the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) that inadvertently led to the death of his beloved companion, Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman). In the penultimate episode of the series, the Doctor endured billions of years and countless deaths to once again emerge on his homeworld…and he’s really pissed off.

Beyond the return of Gallifrey and the Time Lords, the Doctor also said that the mythical hybrid destined to conquer his world is “me.” That means that the Doctor is either heading to even darker territory or he’s referring to Maisie Williams’ character Ashildr/Lady Me, who isn’t in the above teaser, but WAS in the next-time trailer on the episode. There are a few other familiar faces including Ken Bones as the General from “The Day of The Doctor” and Ohila (Clare Higgins) from the Sisterhood of Karn, in addition to at least one Weeping Angel.

Additionally, the trailer teases one more appearance by Coleman, which hopefully means that the Doctor will get some kind of emotional closure with Clara. But first, the Doctor will have to deal with the Time Lords. Or more accurately, they’re going to have to deal with him…if they can!

The Doctor Who ninth series finale will premiere on Saturday, December 5.

Share your predictions for the Doctor Who season finale in the comment section below!

Image Credit: BBC

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