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The Disney Onslaught Continues with 2 More FROZEN Song Parodies

Listen. It’s been everywhere — from babies to weathermen and beyond — but it seems as though every day, people across the Internet are finding new and unconventional ways to put their own spin on the songs from Disney’s Frozen. And what better way to waste a few minutes of your evening than with two more clever takes on the popular tunes “Let It Go” and “Love is An Open Door,” eh? C’mon, admit it: you’re willing to at least press play and listen for a few seconds.

First up is Brian Hull, who used his own impressive vocal dexterity to bring his interpretation of “Let It Go” to life by singing it in the styling of 21 popular Disney characters. TWENTY-ONE. There are professional impressionists who probably rack up lower numbers. According to Hull’s YouTube page, the video was created in the spirit of keeping that Mouse House magic alive. “With so many covers of ‘Let it Go’ coming out, people may forget the original Disney magic that this song has, so what better way to preserve that magic with other Disney and Pixar characters singing the song!” OK, fine, Hull, we’ll give you this one: even Adele Dazeem is impressed:

If you’re totally over the Frozen stranglehold on popular culture as of late, then just make like the little girl, who successfully shows total apathy while her parents lip sync their way through an on-the-road version of “Love is An Open Door.”

Totally Disney’d out? Ready for the world to let Frozen go? Let it go, let it go… in the comments.

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  1. beth diamond says:

    I haven’t seen Frozen yet..and still Frozen fatigue is setting in..but these are both adorbs.