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The Debatable… Er, Debating Skills Of Marvin E. Quasniki

Did you catch the G.O.P. debate in South Carolina on CNN the other night? Everyone’s talking about how one candidate handled John King’s tough opening question… what? No, not Newt. That was an obvious one. No, just take a look at how Marvin E. Quasniki handled King’s tricky request for the candidates to introduce themselves:

Which other candidate would try an Amish joke? Or come out strongly in favor of cheese logs? Or do a scene from Star Wars? Or mistake John King for Anderson Cooper? Why he’s not winning these primaries is anyone’s guess, but no matter what the outcome in the Palmetto State (that’s what it’s called, right? Or is it something Gamecock-related?), the Nerdist-endorsed Quasniki bandwagon is poised to roll on to wherever the hell is next. Because he might as well, at this point.

SUNDAY UPDATE!: Marvin has a post about his South Carolina experience at the Huffington Post. Read it by clicking here.

See the Quasniki campaign videos at the Nerdist Channel on YouTube and like him on Facebook, because… just because.

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  1. NerdyDani says:

    Vote with your mind not with your brain…am I right?!

  2. InternetJack says:

    I would like to announce my intention to run for the president of the United States.

    I would like to only apparently I’m over qualified for the job.




  3. AuntieSlacker says:

    Who looks like Lewis Black.

  4. InternJack says:

    Well, he does kind of look like Anderson Cooper.

    Quasniki? He looks like my Uncle Fred.
