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The Dan Cave

The Dan Cave: Who Will Vin Diesel Play in Marvel’s INHUMANS Movie?

Welcome back to The Dan Cave, my intrepid pop cultural spelunkers! On this week’s episode, we’re working the rumor mill overtime to turn all of these Marvel Cinematic Universe tibdits into videographic gold. As you may know, earlier this week, Vin Diesel teased his 82 million Facebook followers with this image:


Naturally, the Internet whipped itself into a frenzy. Did Vin Diesel just reveal Marvel’s Phase III plans? Didn’t he just play Groot? Holy shit, he can type? These were but a few of the questions people asked, but then yesterday’s bombshell that Marvel’s Inhumans movie wasn’t just in the works, but it had a script dropped and people went crazier than Scarlet Witch at a baby shower. So, today on The Dan Cave, I’m trying to parse through all the noise to see what’s really going down, and will try to answer the questions of why Inhumans is a good idea for Marvel Studios, as well as who Vin “I am Groot, but I’d also like to be someone else” Diesel might conceivably be playing.

Is your body ready for an Inhumans movie? Who would you like to see Vin Diesel play? Let me know in the comments below or tell me on Twitter using the hashtag #TheDanCave.

Want even more The Dan Cave? Well, that’s awfully kind of you to say. You can watch last week’s episode about what movies Marvel should have made before Guardians of the Galaxy, and the season premiere in which we examine the idea of a Legendary shared cinematic universe. 

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  1. Tammy says:

    I am particularly fond of the Marvel Knights storyline that Jae Lee did.

  2. John says:

    I like that Vin could land a part – Black Bolt – with even less lines than Groot.

  3. James says:

    Great show Dan!  Look forward to the many future episodes!  You haven’t lead me astray yet with your pull list.  I was wondering if you could do a pull list for sci-fi or fantasy novels.  I’m always looking for new books to read during my work commute.  Keep up the great work!

  4. equalsmatt says:

    The AVINGERS. hahaha Dammit Casey.

  5. TJSonOfAnder says:

    I am seriously loving “the Dan cave” but you should also do your pull list in video form IMO, Because why would I read a review of something I’m going to read? Ok… so that arguement doesn’t really stand up, but I’d still totally watch it.

    • Dan Casey says:

      Thanks, TJ. Appreciate the kind words. Regarding the Pull List, we’ve discussed making it a standalone video segment, so I’m glad to hear that there’d be some interest.

  6. Twrexx says:

    Medusa. Definitely Medusa. Bc hair