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The Dan Cave

THE DAN CAVE: The Top 5 Sleeveless Movie Badasses with Max Nosleeves

Hey there! Welcome to The Dan Cave! Do you have tickets? Tickets to the bicep festival? Because you’re looking ripped.

Let’s face it — when it comes to looking as badass as humanly possible, what looks cooler: having your arm anacondas constricted by a weaksauce long-sleeve shirt or letting your pythons breathe that cold mountain air with a sleeveless shirt? The answer, as we all know, is the latter. Time and time again, this has been borne out by on-screen action heroes, and to prove this ironclad thesis, I have enlisted one of the most sleeveless men I know, YouTube sensation Max Nosleeves. On today’s episode of The Dan Cave, we’re running down the list of the top 5 sleeveless movie badasses, and the sun was out, so you’d better believe our guns were out.

Obviously, there’s tons of other classic characters that eschew sleeves in favor of raw, unbridled badassery, but we couldn’t list them all. So, tell me — who is your favorite sleeveless movie badass? Let us know in the comments below.

Be sure to check out Max Nosleeves’ channel, and keep your eyes peeled for another very special video we shot together about what your favorite superhero says about you.

But wait, there’s more! Cyber Monday doesn’t have to stop on Monday — we’re keeping the sales going all week long on the Nerdist Store with the first-ever The Dan Cave t-shirt! Behold in all of its 100% cotton, super soft, super sleek glory!



Did I mention it’s super comfortable? Because it is. And if you watch today’s episode, there’s a nifty 10% off coupon which you can use on anything in the store for the first 50 people who enter it.

Want even more The Dan Cave? On last week’s episode, I prove beyond all shadow of a doubt as to why Rad is the greatest movie of all time.

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