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The Dan Cave

THE DAN CAVE: The Good, the Bad, and the GOTHAM

Hello there! Did you do something different with your hair? Not that you needed to, but it looks great.

Welcome back to The Dan Cave! This week, the fall TV season kicked off in earnest and with it came the premiere of two of the most anticipated superhero TV shows of the season: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Gotham. While Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is entering its sophomore season after a rocky freshman year in which it eventually found its footing and morphed into something seriously entertaining, Gotham made its debut this past Monday. You can read Joe McCabe’s review right here on, but it’s also the subject of today’s show.

When I first read the pilot script over the summer, I was disheartened by some trite, ham-fisted dialogue, and improbable characters names (Fish Mooney?), but I really wanted to like the series, so I gave it a shot. Admittedly, when I first saw the pilot, I wasn’t wild about it and let that negativity take control, but after rewatching it and mulling it over a bit, I believe in Gotham. There is a good show in there, and I think it’s only going to get better from here. At least I hope it does.

So, in todays show, I break down what worked, what didn’t, and what Gotham needs to work on if it wants to see season two. Whether or not you dug the pilot aside, it’s critical remember that a pilot is not the barometer for the entire series. Good things take time to develop, so here’s hoping that Gotham is like a nice wine that just needs to open up a bit before we consume it in earnest.

What did you think of Gotham? What does the show need to work on? What do you hope to see happen? Let me know in the comments below or tell me on Twitter (@osteoferocious) using the hashtag #TheDanCave!

Want even more The Dan Cave? Check out last week’s episode in which I break down the Star Wars spin-offs we want most.


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  1. Arrow is about Green arrow. It shows Green Arrow trying to become a superhero. not just a person who murder people with a bow.

    yes, murdering people is easy if you got skills. That why Super villains take the easy way out and just kill people. We would have never loved Superman as much if we do now. If he just started out Killing people left and right. just because he can.

    Gotham is about Jim Gordon and B minus Super villains back story. Unless this should runs for 12 year. We never see batman in this series.

    Batman is the only Reason we care about the dirty town called Gotham. If they Force Bruce to become Batman in Gotham. He will never learn all the skills he will need in the future. He never go toe to toe vs other superheros or super villains.

    Problem with comparing Gotham to let say Smallville, Arrow, or even The Flash tv shows. Those shows have a origin story about the Super Hero we know and love. I know Jim Gordon is ok police dude. but he not a super hero. He never had a chance to clean up Gotham until Batman arrives.

    What we got here is a cop drama about How Gotham is going down hill. After the murders of the Bruce Wayne’s parents. Yes Jim will try and do what he can but we all know he doesnt clean up Gotham. Jim will rise in the rank of the police force pretending to be a corrupt police officer for the mob.

    I know i would not buy a comic book about the corrupt early years of Jim Gordon.

    P.s. he pretending to be bad but he not doing much to save people in Gotham.

    He going to be the dad of BatGirl.

    this is the reason we dont have Comic book or movies about Clark Kent’s parents. They raise a nice boy dont you think?

    • if they do try and keep Bruce wayne in Gotham and not traveling the world learning off to be Batman with 60+ masters ( number of masters have never been revealed) 
      Will he get home from school , drink a juice box and head over to the local cobra kai? 
      will not the all his teachers be concern about all the bruises he got on his body off the HARD training he need to undergo? 
       How will his training schedule go?
        after 2 pm he goes home eat his carrot sticks and milk.  
      3pm -4pm  he will learn how to escape anytype of trap with Giovanni “John” Zatara.  
      4pm – 5 pm effective fitness methods and crime-fighting techniques and  fighting techniques, particularly in boxing
       5 pm – 6 pm  uses of brutality, deception and cunning against the criminal element with Henri Ducard
       6 pm – 7 pm Bruce learns his detective skills from Harvey Harris
       7pm – 7 30pm  light dinner
       730-8pm (rest)
      8pm -9pm Learning assassins skill with David Cain. ( when he in Gotham for business)
      9 pm bed time ( need those 8 hour for school and training)

      6am – 1 30 pm off to school.  Where he meets Selina Kyle at Gotham Public school.
      day start over again.

  2. Nich Hustler says:

    Mister Casey, that is one impressive nipple stand you maintained through out the video. #skills 

    On another note, I must say that Gotham is easily one of the most gorgeous looking series that I have seen. I was taken back a number of times by the visuals. 

  3. CDNOB1 says:

    Hey Dan, finally got to catch up on this past week’s shows and just watched Gotham. You’ve definitely nailed it, it was ok with lots of potential. But why are we seeing Selina Kyle as a young adult, or at least an older teenager? Isn’t Catwoman supposed to be a similar age or younger than Batman?

  4. tonkemaskin says:

    I found myself cringing throughout whenever a Batman regular was introduced (aside from falcone). It felt really ham-fisted the way it was done. Especially Edward Nygma.

    When I first saw Ben McKenzie on screen, I though ‘Wow, he reminds me a lot of Sean Pertwee’… Who turns out later to play Alfred. And McKenzie’s Jim Gordon seems to be very akin to L.A. Confidential’s Bud White in both appearance and outlook.

  5. IDenzred says:

    Gotta agree, this show has potential.  Judged by the pilot alone, most of the great classic shows we love today would never have aired.  Hell, even Star Trek (TOS) needed 2 pilots to get on the air.  (Yes, I went there.)
    Also agree, no Magnum ‘stache soon, we riot in the streets!!!  

  6. Jonny b good says:

    Did anyone else notice he said Gordon and ‘DENT’ were hanging in the meat locker? It was Gordon and ‘BULLOCK’. He got his Harveys mixed up. Do I win a prize now?

  7. Joanne says:

    I have to say, I was pretty disappointed in the first episode.  The editing was very clunky and the indecisive use of camera movement (I was sea sick by the end of the chase scene between Gordon and Pepper) only added to the disorganized feel of the show.  However, my guess is this is Fox being Fox and as they have for many shows (ala FIrefly) they want to shove as much as possible into the viewers face as possible.  Allowing for character development doesn’t seem to be in their DNA..

  8. Dude! Turn your head slightly to the goddamn left and face the camera straight on.

  9. Ty Gunn says:

    Flavor saver…well put Dan. And agreed.

  10. Chuck W. says:

    I have to say, i thought when they dropped Nygma into the mix that it was going to go the way of Batman and Robin. Riddler is my second favorite character and always pictured him as more of a calm cool character who stays miles ahead of others with his twists and turns (like jigsaw but less violent).  Instead he was played with the energy and eagerness of a kid seeing his first pair of boobies. I really hope they resolve this going further. On the good side, i love JG and really look forward to Oswald’s transformation.

  11. Angelo says:

    Dammit Dan Casey! I like you and the Dan Cave.  Keep em coming.