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The Dan Cave

8 Returning Fall TV Shows You Absolutely Need to Watch

We’re living in a golden age of television.

Chances are you’ve probably heard that phrase more than once. It seems to be an increasingly popular adage in the modern media landscape, with hordes of movie stars and big name directors making the exodus from the silver screen to the small screen. The biggest problem resulting from this sudden influx of great TV is about as first-world as it gets: deciding which great show to watch with your ever-dwindling free time. While there are plenty of exciting new shows coming down the pipeline this fall, there are also plenty of incredible existing shows that will be making their triumphant return for their second, third, fourth, and so on seasons. Yet just because they received a multi-season order doesn’t necessarily mean that people are watching—and that’s a crying shame because some of these shows deserve to have as many eyes on them as humanly possible.

“Yeah, yeah, Dan,” you might be saying. “That all sounds well and good, but which of these returning TV series should I bother with?”

Well, I’m glad you asked because today on The Dan Cave, we are going to examine 8 returning fall TV series that you absolutely need to see. From the whacked out sci-fi of Rick and Morty to the adrenaline-fueled action of The Flash and beyond, these are shows that you simply must cram into your eyeballs.

What are your favorite returning and/or underappreciated TV series? Share them with us in the comments below!

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of 100 Things Avengers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. You can follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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