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The Dan Cave

8 New Anime You Need to Watch This Winter

While it may not feel like winter yet in much of the country (or even fall, for that matter, seeing as it has been 90 degrees here in L.A.), there’s no better time to start preparing to survive the inevitable deluge of snow. Because after you trip the light tryptophantastic this Thanksgiving, you’ll need to start planning out what anime you’ll spend your hard-earned free time watching this winter. Rather than slogging through the muck and the mire to find something that might be to your liking, I’ve done the hard work for you, separating the wheat from the chaff. On today’s episode of The Dan Cave, I’ve got your guide to the very best new anime you need to cram into your eyeballs this winter. From returning fan-favorites like Blue Exorcist to long-awaited TV adaptations of films like Little Witch Academia to brand new series with balls-trippingly weird visuals and eyebrow-raising names, this upcoming season of anime has a little something for everyone. Unless, of course, you’re someone who wants a new season of Attack on Titan. Then you’re just going to have to keep on waiting.

What anime are you most looking forward to this winter? What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Aniplex of America

Source: MyAnimeList, NereGate, AniChart, LiveChart

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Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter and ask him about all things anime (@Osteoferocious).

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