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THE DAN CAVE: 5 Non-Superhero Comics That Deserve a TV Adaptation

Welcome to The Dan Cave! Can you slam dunk a basketball? I can’t, but you have an air of natural athleticism, and it suits you nicely.

Earlier this week, news broke that FX was adapting Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell’s seminal graphic novel From Hell into an hour-long drama series. While From Hell has been adapted for a feature film before, it wasn’t really a faithful adaptation, and the news that Children of Men writer David Arata was penning the TV version has me hopeful. Granted, I like Arata’s work, but I am more intrigued that From Hell isn’t a superhero comic, which is the hot trend for genre TV right now. (For more on that, see the episode where I talk about superhero cinema overload.) If From Hell can get a TV adaptation, what else could work on the small screen? Well, today on The Dan Cave, that’s precisely what we’re going to answer: what non-superhero comics most deserve a TV adaptation?

Obviously, there are still tons of awesome comics and graphic novels that didn’t make my list, but I had to leave some out for the sake of diversity. What are your favorites? What would you most like to see get turned into a TV show? Let me know in the comments below or tell me on Twitter (@Osteoferocious) using the hashtag #TheDanCave.

Want even more The Dan Cave? Watch last week’s episode where I explain why Halo belongs on television.

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  1. Mark says:

    Where can i get that shirt???

  2. Jesse says:

    Best in a miniseries form but DMZ. Interesting premise and look at (breakdown of) society. Plus as we’re going back into Iraq, somewhat topical.

  3. claudia says:

    Locke and Key had an awesome adaptation by FOX, they showed the pilot at Comic Con but the show was not picked up. I really want to see this come to life! 

  4. Drewbles says:

    I think it would require a series of movies and astronomical budget but Saga is far and away the best sci-fi/fantasy mash-up I’ve ever read, it’s a perfect space opera, and if it was ever adapted I’d be first in line for tix.

  5. YourAlterEgo says:

    Sunstone: but not on HBO itll take too much from the characters by replacing it with gratuitous sex

  6. jryan3031 says:


  7. batdude says:

    stray toasters

  8. Psycho_465 says:

    Starlight, sweet tooth, and death vigil would be good on the boob tube, don’t forget the Goon that would be great too.

  9. Jake says:


  10. Dan says:

    Sleeper.  Sleeper!  For the love of God, why isn’t Sleeper on this list?

  11. Alex Combs says:

    American Vampire for AMC.

  12. Don Chambers says:

    Transmetropolitan on HBO, with Tim Roth as Spider Jerusalem.

  13. “Scalped”, Death Note, Top 10, Pluto, 20th Century Boys, Ex Machina, Exterminators would make a good shows.

    • Dan Casey says:

      Scalped is already getting turned into a TV show for WGN. Great call on 20th Century Boys and Ex Machina though. I feel like Ex Machina in particular could be really strong.

  14. Chris Hall says:

    James Robinson’s Starman. Not really a Superhero comic in the traditional sense. Tremendous Protagonist in Jack Knight. Can’t wait to see “Opal City” on the small screen.

  15. Dave says:

    Death Vigil from Image is my absolute favorite new comic. It’s fun and funny, has great characters, lots of action.  I would love to see it made into a movie or TV show; but I only mention it so that anyone who hasn’t read it yet will get into it.  Check it out-Death Vigil!

  16. Hillary says:

    So glad you asked! In no particular order, I think the following would make a great series: Sandman; Y the Last Man;  Strangers in Paradise; Promethea (technically the titular character is a science fiction heroine so this entry might not fill the non-super hero criteria…); Lucifer; Sex Criminals.

    • Dan Casey says:

      Lucifer is actually being developed for FOX, and Sandman is getting turned into a film. I would also love to see a Strangers in Paradise series.

  17. Collin says:

    I’m super excited for AMC’s Preacher adaption. I agree about Locke and Key & Y: The Last Man, for sure, those would be awesome projects. Y:The Last Man has epic Game of Thrones type sustainability.