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The ASSASSIN’S CREED Movie Might Have a Director

Snowtown writer-director Justin Kurzel is in the lead to direct the live-action Assassin’s Creed, according to Deadline.

Kurzel recently worked with Michael Fassbender on an adaptation of Macbeth, and it’s possible that Fassbender, who’s set to star in Assassin’s Creed, might have put in a good word.

Snowtown, if you haven’t seen it, is the incredibly harrowing, inspired-by-true-events story of a young man’s indoctrination into torture, sexual assault, and murder by an older man. It’ll be interesting to see what Ubisoft and New Regency are attracted to in Kurzel’s work that would translate the historical sci-fi weirdness of Assassin’s Creed to the screen.

This news comes shortly after Ubisoft announced that Watch Dogs was their latest property to be on track for the live-action treatment.



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  1. Blarg says:

    I am sure that, just as 343 did with Halo: Forward Unto Dawn, Ubisoft will take good care of its baby.

  2. Zach says:

    I just hope that this new generation of video game movies redeem their predecessors, like what the dark knight trilogy and marvel studios did for the superhero movie genre.

  3. RG says:

    @Sean: You have to look at the circumstances. Most videogame movies were just cash grabs by studios buying up the franchises without thinking about quality first. Ubisoft is actually making this themselves, so they’re protecting the quality just as they would with an AC game plot.

  4. sean says:

    Let the past show that movies base off of video games are never a good idea…. Most (not all) of them suck.