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The AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Are on a Highway to Hell in a New Season Two Promo

Following a journey that ended with Hydra dismantling the organization that was once S.H.I.E.L.D., and Coulson being assigned by Fury to build it back up as its new director, things got off the charts in the back-half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s freshman season. Now with the team back in the shadows they once operated in prior to “The Battle of New York,” they’re making it their mission to protect the world in secret while flushing out what’s left of the terrorist organization that destroyed their home in the first place. At least that’s the promise in this brand new promo just released by Marvel Television and ABC:

Just from these thirty seconds, it’s clear a lot of improvements have been made. Everything feels a bit more serious (but not overtly dreary), the look of the show appears more aesthetically pleasing and not as “cheap” and it seems these glimpses are promising a team that’s working together as a single unit to achieve their goal.

Of course, there are some mysteries being intentionally hidden from us, things like what’s up with Hydra sleeper agent, Ward, this season, and, thus far, there hasn’t been a single glimpse of Fitz – who was critically injured during the season finale – at all so far. [Editor’s Note: There is a very quick flash of Fitz’s face at 14 seconds.] There’s plenty to ponder as we wait patiently for the series to return on September 23rd, and ponder we will because if there’s one thing Marvel loves to do, its tease us with possibilities.

What do you think will become of Team Coulson in season two? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Jack Fry says:

    Parents, your gonna have to be nice and let your kiddies stay up an hour later now.

    • Joshua says:

      This is really going to hurt the show. I myself am now going to have to wait until the next day to watch. 

  2. GLwiltse says:

    I am SOOOO very excited for season 2!!!!

  3. Millie Orr says:

    I can’t wait!!!!!

  4. Pat Lisenbee says:

    Owoo! come on Sept 23rd!

  5. Scott Tipton says:
