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THE 100 Recap: Has Clarke Become the New Jaha?

THE 100 Recap: Has Clarke Become the New Jaha?

Warning: the following recap contains major spoilers from Wednesday’s episode of The 100, “A Lie Guarded.” It is a recap, after all! Don’t say we didn’t warn you … 

Who would have thought that Clarke would become the new Jaha on The 100? Honestly, if you had said that our favorite blonde heroine would be sympathizing with crazy kooky Jaha’s old ways of thinking, we would have floated you immediately. But here we are, here she is, and all we can do is just go along with this crazy new world we all live in! Let’s get to recapping “A Lie Guarded,” shall we?

Most of this week’s hour focused on getting Luna to ALIE’s island so they could make more of her Nightblood. That way, everyone could get the Nightblood serum for themselves—Skaikru and Grounders alike—and survive the incoming “death wave” of radiation. Abby, Raven, Murphy, Emori, Nykko and a whole bunch of Skaikru guards set off for Becca’s lab on the island, hoping to find her records on how she created Nightblood so they could reverse-engineer the formula from Luna’s.

But what they didn’t count on was that even though ALIE was destroyed, her drones were still running automatically, shooting at them as soon as they crossed the boundary. After killing Nykko (who sacrificed his own life to protect Luna’s), the drones kept hunting them, so Raven reprogrammed the code on one they shot down to turn them off. Raven also had to convince Luna not to run away so they could all use her blood to survive, so basically Raven is the hero of the week—per usual. They finally found Becca’s lab, and it was amazing—high tech, pristine, and hella spacious. Just think of everything they’re going to be able to salvage and use from the lab to help beef up the Ark! But what else is lurking out there, trying to get inside the lab? What was ALIE trying to keep out?!

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Meanwhile, Clarke had to stay behind to supervise Plan B of finishing patching up the ship in case they couldn’t make more Nightblood. Of course, Plan B only saved 100 people, and Clarke’s List, hidden away in the Chancellor’s office, was just begging to be found. When Jasper and Monty were setting up a prank on Clarke (which she was not amused by, to no one’s surprise), Jasper discovered the List, and showed Monty (who knew that the Ark could only save 100 people), that he wasn’t even on it. When Jasper tried to reveal the List to all of Arkadia, Clarke had him arrested—after using a shock baton on him, holy crap—to try and keep him quiet.

Monty couldn’t believe how far Clarke was going to keep the truth quiet from their people, even hurting and locking up her own friends, and rightfully told her she was acting just as badly as the adults on the Ark did when they sent the 100 down to die on Earth. So he did what he thought was best: he read off the List to all of Arkadia, revealing the truth about Clarke’s lies. A mob formed, and surprisingly enough Jaha turned out to be the voice of reason they all followed. He proposed throwing out the List, and running a lottery to see who would be the 100 to get a spot inside the Ark when the end came. It’s not as pragmatic and logical as Clarke’s List that focused on young women who could further the human race and doctors and engineers and an equal amount of all professions, but it did motivate everyone to work for their spot in the lottery. “When Jaha’s looking reasonable, it’s time to reassess.” Jasper’s words could not be more true right now. Is everyone drinking the crazy kool-aid here?!

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And in an unfortunately timed turn of events (lol), it looks like the war between Grounders and Skaikru is back on! After Roan grew impatient waiting for Clarke to figure out a way to save everyone, he had Echo spy on Arkadia. She saw them rebuilding their ship, and so she caught Bellamy and another Skaikru out on a hunting party. The “redshirt” blabbed to Echo about their plan to use the Ark to survive the death wave, and that they had a Nightblood. Roan didn’t believe Kane’s assertions that they were only using Luna to manufacture Nightblood for everyone, since that was “blasphemy” in Grounder faith, so Echo killed the Skaikru who talked since “warriors don’t reveal their secrets” and Roan declared war on Skaikru and Trikru.

Roan had his army kill all of Skaikru and Trikru in Polis, and took Bellamy and Kane as hostages. Indra got away in time to warn Trikru, and Octavia escaped Polis before Roan could have her locked up too. She tried to ride to Arkadia to warn them of the Azgeda army marching their way intending to take the Ark for themselves, but Echo followed her. She tried to take Octavia alive, but the warrior in Octavia wouldn’t let that happen. They fought, and Echo ran her through with a sword, and she fell off a cliff into the water below. Hold. Up. Octavia did not just get bested in a sword fight, right?! Our beloved, fierce O cannot be dead!

Believing Octavia to be dead, Roan and Echo told Bellamy, and he broke down in Polis’ jail. That heartbreaking work from Bob Morley in that jail cell scene gave me major chills. I think it was the first time we have ever seen him fully vulnerable. Even in his darkest moments in seasons prior, he didn’t break down so completely like this. Where this will lead Bellamy next, I don’t know. But what he doesn’t know is that—duh—Octavia didn’t die after all, she’s just really badly hurt. Her horse found her on the shore, and she climbed on his back and rode towards Arkadia. That was close!

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Other noteworthy moments:

– As much as I’m loving the suicidally cheerful Jasper more than the suicidally depressed Jasper, he’s kind of a dick right now, you guys. But any prank played on Jaha, especially one where he got “floated,” is fine by me. Like I’ve said before, ugh, Jaha. That guy is the worst, but Jasper’s “black rain” fake choking was super not cool. Don’t do that to your friends, dude.

– “Justice and vengeance are not the same thing.” “To me, they are.” Kane and Octavia served up some hard truths in this week’s hour. Octavia’s grown increasingly darker and darker, and killing an innocent boy last week to frame him for stealing the Flame was just her latest in a long line of questionable choices. How dark can she get? How will her injuries affect her psychologically as well as physically?

– Kane and Abby are still going strong, be still my heart! Their slow-burn relationship is like the one glimmer of hope on this show.

– Murphy saving Raven from ALIE’s drones was a pleasant surprise. I love how Murphy will do anything in the name of surviving, even if it means being a good person …for once.

– In addition to acting like Jaha, Clarke is also becoming the person her mother used to be, having Jasper locked up and hurt rather than reveal the truth. It’s just like how Abby had her husband floated rather than reveal the truth to everyone about the Ark failing.

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– It’s almost kind of cute how The 100 writers knew they couldn’t use Octavia’s “death” scare as the episode-ending cliffhanger. No one would have fallen for that. Instead, they used her miraculous survival as the final scene. Smart choice.

– Arkadia already has drills in place for when the radiation black rain comes. Let’s hope that serves them well when it actually does come.

– The name of this week’s episode served more than one purpose. “A Lie Guarded” is “ALIE guarded,” referencing the drones acting as security for her island. The title also references Clarke’s List getting exposed.

– According to Emori, there are worse things on the island than ALIE’s drones. Whatever she was warning Murphy about, we’ll for sure meet in the next few episodes as the crew works in Becca’s lab. Let’s see if they’re any scarier than the Reapers, who still haunt my nightmares.

– For as much as the hydrogenerator recovery squad wanted to save Riley from being an Ice Nation slave and how much they all love this random dude that we’ve never met before this season, Clarke didn’t even put him on the List! What good was saving him at the risk of everyone dying later without the hydrogenerator if he wasn’t going to be saved from the death wave anyways?!

What did you think of this week’s The 100? Tweet me at @SydneyBucksbaum!

Images: The CW

The 100 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.

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