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TERMINATOR 6 Adds Mackenzie Davis and Plot Hints

We’re starting to learn a little bit more about the latest Terminator reboot. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Mackenzie Davis is in negotiations to star as “a soldier-assassin on a mission,” a description that could equally apply if she’s a resistance solider or a Terminator, though at this stage she’s described as a human character. This will, however, give her the distinct honor of having been in both a Blade Runner and Terminator movie, a step toward Bill Paxton-hood in the annals of genre franchise MVPs.

A little more about the plot has also been dropped by unnamed sources, suggesting that a Latina is being sought for the central role of the planned new trilogy. Given that James Cameron is involved as a producer, perhaps this means we can expect a character like Vasquez in Aliens or Trudy in Avatar to finally be the lead character rather than back-up. Deadpool‘s Tim Miller is directing at least the first film, and it isn’t known if Davis’ character will survive into a sequel or not.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton are also expected back, and Miller has previously talked about exploring who the human is that all the prior Schwarzenegger Terminators were based on, and how he was selected for that particular prototype duty. Our guess is that he’ll go in a different direction from the deleted “Sergeant Candy” scene from Terminator 3 (above). Given that Sarah Connor had been killed off in that one, it’s fair to guess the entire movie may no longer be canon for the next trilogy.

What do you think about where Terminator 6 (probably not the final title) is headed so far? Will you be back to theaters for it? Don’t just talk to the hand…talk to us in comments below.

Image: Warner Bros.

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