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‘Terminate Our Love’, The Rejected Music Video From the Original TERMINATOR

Back in the ’80s, when dinosaurs roamed the land and MTV ruled the Earth, every major motion picture had an accompanying pop single and music video to go along with it, which was great because MTV would run the videos on a 24/7 rotation.

Most of the videos for songs off of movie soundtracks were pretty lame, and more often than not, they were just clips of the movies intercut with images of the corresponding singer or band on a poorly lit sound stage. Perfect examples of this technique are evident in Tina Turner’s “We Don’t Need Another Hero” for Mad Max, and Phil Collins’ “Against All Odds“, from the movie of the same name that nobody cared about, even back then. And there are a lot more where those came from.

One movie that sadly didn’t get an accompanying pop single or music video is James Cameron’s 1984 science-fiction classic The Terminator. The original Terminator movie had a very small budget, and the studio that released wasn’t expecting much out of it, but the movie was one of the big sleeper hits of that year, helping to make Arnold a mega-star and launching a franchise that lasts till this day. But in retrospect, there really should have been a pop anthem to go along with the movie, don’t you think?

Thankfully, someone out there by the name L.B. Rayne has obliged and released the “rejected” music video from the movie, “Terminate Our Love”, which sets the action in club Tech Noir, the dance club from the movie where the T-800 goes to kill Sarah Conner, which felt like a parody of an ’80s night club even when the movie was originally released. L.B. Rayne also has other music videos for movies that didn’t have them, like TRON and A Nightmare on Elm Street, and they’re all pretty hilarious. You should totally check them out as soon as you’ve watched the Terminator’s systems malfunction due to the power of love.

HT: Doogtoons

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