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Telltale’s “Fables” Game is “The Wolf Among Us”

Time to bust out your best Bigby cosplay, because, come very soon, we’ll be slipping into the Big Bad Wolf’s shoes in Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us, based on Bill Willingham’s excellent comic book series Fables.

Similar in style to Telltale’s The Walking Dead (my personal game of the year for 2012), The Wolf Among Us  is set to arrive on Xbox 360, PC, Mac and PlayStation 3 this summer. Taking place prior to the events of the comics, The Wolf Among Us puts players in the role of Bigby Wolf during his exile in New York City. The loose cannon lawman tries to keep fairy tale characters like Mr. Toad and the Three Little Pigs safe from harm and detection in our world. Taken at face value, this sounds like the origin story of New York’s most underground punk band, but the adventure game promises to bring players into the wonderful world Willingham has created.

“Developing The Wolf Among Us based on the Fables universe has allowed our studio to build upon all of the hallmarks of what makes our episodic series so engaging for players,” said Telltale CEO Dan Connors, talking with IGN.  “Through an evolution of our approach to choice and consequence, we can further explore the complexity of each and every iconic character in a universe rich with untold history from the darkest sides of the storybooks.”

When Willingham first mentioned the game in my January interview with him, I was excited, but getting official confirmation like this is like biting into a juicy mango, which is to say it’s pretty terrific.

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