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Telltale Debuts THE WOLF AMONG US Episode 4 Images

The Wolf Among Us has two episodes to go and with number four, “In Sheep’s Clothing” on the way, Telltale has released new images to tease the next part of Bigby’s big, bad case.

The episodic adventure-mystery game is based on the long-running, award-winning comic Fables, by Bill Willingham. It’s set in a secret community in the middle of New York City which serves as a refuge for characters from legends, myths, and fairy tales, who’ve escaped a war back in the Homelands.



The screens from Episode 4 look a bit less… fraught than previous episodes (hey, we get to see Bigby’s sensitive side, it seems). Oh, Bigby is still banged up and I’d hate to see the other guy, but this looks like a we’re going to see the calm before the storm in Episode 5.

The latest episode pushes the murder mystery that started it all deeper and deeper into conspiracy territory, according to the latest synopsis from Telltale:

Has the Wolf met his match? Beaten and bloody, Bigby is confronted by the realization that a society built on secrets is ripe for exploitation. And that the disenfranchised of Fabletown may see his prey not as the cause of their problems, but as their solution. Constantly caught between ‘the rules’ and doing the right thing, Bigby must tread a path fraught with danger in this penultimate episode of The Wolf Among Us.

Still need to catch up on The Wolf Among Us? IGN is hosting the first episode on its site for the iOS version of the game as part of their free game of the month program.

So get on that.

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