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Nerdist Presents

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES’ Michelangelo Teaches You the Art of Pizza-Making

Anyone can order a pizza, but if you want to learn how to make your own you need a true culinary master to take you under his shell and show you the secrets to kicking butt in the kitchen. These are the kind of cooking insights you can only get from the caliber of chef who lives in the sewers and was raised by a giant Kung Fu rat. And as a certain party dude wants to personally teach you, it’s what you do after you get your pizza that defines it… no matter how gross it might seem. So get your notebooks ready as you enter the classroom of one of the world’s leading pizza connoisseurs and your new mentor, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelo.

Nerdist Presents “The Art of Pizza Making,” the latest online course offering from Mastermind, the only place where Darth Vader let you be a student in his business class and Stranger Things’ Joyce Byers shared her amazing parenting skills. But this isn’t any old pizza course, so don’t expect to learn about tossing pizza dough or the perfect recipe for a marinara sauce. This course is focused on one thing: toppings. So what’s the ideal addition to make your pizza the best? The better question is what isn’t!

Yes, some of Michelangelo’s amendments are questionable, but who are we to question a master? Nobody alive has eaten more pizza than the party dude.

What other expert would you like to attend a course at Mastermind with? Let us know in the comments below.

More fun with pizza!

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