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Talkin' Toons

TEEN TITANS GO’s Beast Boy Fills in for Keanu Reeves in POINT BREAK

Name a lovable goofball who A) always makes us laugh, B) isn’t the most brilliant member of an elite crime fighting force, and C) can still get the job done against evildoers (with a fondness for wearing masks) by going undercover? Are you thinking of our favorite animal-transforming superhero Beast Boy….or Keanu Reeves‘ “Eff-Bee-Eye!” Agent Johnny Utah? Whoa. They, like, totally do have a lot in common, man. So much so that we had the voice of Teen Titan Go‘s greenest member fill in for Point Break‘s former quarterback-turned-G-Man-turned-surfer on the latest episode of our Alpha series Talkin’ Toons.

Greg Cipes was the latest voice actor to join host Rob Paulsen in studio, and the two recreated the epic final showdown between Johnny Utah and Bodhi from the end of Point Break. Greg took over for Reeves as Beast Boy, and Rob filled in for Patrick Swayze’s infamous surfing criminal as Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Somehow having Beast Boy replace Johnny Utah didn’t make that absurd scenario any less (or more) ridiculous, and if you think that’s an insult of Point Break you don’t love the movie as much as we do.

Remember, you can only find the rest of this and all other episodes of Talkin’ Toons at our online Alpha community, where we have plenty of other great series to check out. Even better? When you sign up your first 30 days are on us, so you don’t have to rob a bank to join.

What other characters remind you of Beast Boy and Johnny Utah? Like, tell us in the comments below, man.

Featured Image: Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox

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