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TEEN TITANS #6 Features the Long-Awaited Return of Aqualad (Exclusive Preview)

TEEN TITANS #6 Features the Long-Awaited Return of Aqualad (Exclusive Preview)

When DC Comics began their New 52 initiative back in 2011, their “big guns” like Superman and Batman got pushed front and center, but many less famous fan favorite characters got pushed out of the spotlight. Luckily, the current DC Rebirth has brought many of them back, like Flash Wally West, Donna Troy, Spoiler, and several others. Now another “lost” character is making a comeback, as the second Aqualad, Jackson Hyde, is finally making his way back to the DCU in the pages of Teen Titans.

The second Aqualad made his debut in the animated series Young Justice, where he quickly became a fan favorite. Then he made his comics debut in the pages of Brightest Day in 2010, before being lost to the events of Flashpoint. In the Rebirth DCU, Kaldur’ahm (that’s his Atlantean name) is a gay teenager who has only recently discovered his power. Seeking other teenagers who have unique abilities like himself, it’s not long before he’s drawn to the newly re-formed Teen Titans, who are now under the guidance of Robin, a.k.a. Damian Wayne. In the latest issue of Teen Titans, we’ll see how Aqualad joins up with the team, and just how well he takes orders from super-brat Damian.

You can check out our exclusive preview of the first five pages of  Teen Titans#6  in our gallery below!

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Wade Von Grawbadger, Khoi Pham
Cover Artists: Khoi Pham, Chris Burnham (Variant)

Here’s the official synopsis:

“The Rise of Aqualad” part one! New story! New city! New member? As the team adjusts to their new lives at Titans Tower, Damian investigates a series of strange disappearances in San Francisco. Meanwhile, Jackson Hyde heads west to fulfill his destiny…and finds himself in the crosshairs of the Teen Titans!”

Teen Titans #6 is due to hit stores on Wednesday, March 22.

Are you looking forward to the return of Aqualad after all this time? Let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics


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