Well, then, here you go, the teaser trailer for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, two minutes of footage with some familiar faces, action, and portentious dialogue, plus a glimpse of the dragon in the title, who, of course, is played in voice and some motion capture by The Cumberbatch Himself. Was that an earthquake? That, my lad, was a dragon. A Cumberbatchian dragon. Plus water, swords, archery, and Evangeline Lilly.
I don’t have to ask if you’re in for December 13th, because you probably are, whatever you thought of the first one, but what do you think of the teaser? Comments below, please.
HT: Deadline
Bandit, Uh, girls have been shooting bows and arrows way before the fucking Hunger Games. Gina Davis tried out for a spot on the Olympics team in real life. You think only boys/men can shoot arrows?
No rage like nerd rage.
What is this crap with girls with bows and arrows in like every action movie now? Thank you Hunger Games. Hunger Games sucks. And does there always have to be a love interest in there too? More Hollywood broken record crap.
all I need now is the extended version of THE HOBBIT An Unexpected Journey on blu ray (none of this blu ray – dvd dual disk shit … I bought a fucking blu ray player for blu ray disk, bitches!) ….
Sherman, speak for yourself. You do realize that the CG isn’t complete when trailers are released, right? Anyway, I doubt you’re referring to the quality, so I should instead be asking: do you realize how short-sighted and naive it is to act like CG is automatically a bad thing? The question is supposed to be about how well it’s used, and you actually have to SEE the movie to understand that.
If you prefer puppets and costumes, that’s your right; in fact, I’d agree with you. But to act like they’re objectively BETTER is so arrogant, and flies in the face of all legitimate criticism, which is supposed to examine how an artist uses the tools at his disposal… not just which tools he chooses to use.
Fuck off, luddite punks.
That was intelligent….
So thankful that they did “Lord of the Rings.” first. If they had put out this computer generated mish mash first and called them movies, most of us would have skipped LOR. This is a disgrace to the quality that was put in to LOR and a poor attempt to reap more money from the LOR series. (Though it is working, lol.) A lot of people will pay for it just to see a bunch of cartoon characters. I will save my money for a quality theatrical showing and borrow these on dvd someday. At least I will get my money’s worth.
Well that was timely, I just saw An Unexpected Journey for the first time Sunday night.
Amazing, Awesome, Wow, Cool, Great, Can’t Wait, Goodness!!!!
I am so ready for December 13th!!! Although, a part of me wishes Smaug had Benedict’s piercing blue eyes.
well, I just pooped a little at the end there with Smaug.