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TBS Orders Steve Carell’s ANGIE TRIBECA Starring Rashida Jones to Series

It might have seemed obvious that a satirical police procedural comedy pilot from Steve and Nancy Carell with Rashida Jones would almost certainly get a series order. Yet, it’s been several months ever since the news that the project, formerly known as Tribeca, was being developed at TBS. It was only today that the announcement came that Angie Tribeca is now being picked up by the network.

10 episodes have been ordered by TBS for next season “…and will be a hilarious spoof of police procedurals in the spirit of The Naked Gun, with a terrific cast and a wickedly funny point of view,” said Michael Wright, TBS president and head of programming. Conan staff writer Deon Cole, Jere Burns, and Andree Vermuelen are co-starring, and guest appearances from the likes of Alfred Molina, Lisa Kudrow, and more are scheduled.

Now, let’s have a bit of six-degrees-separation-ish type fun. Rashida Jones starred in several seasons of the hit comedy series at NBC, Parks and Recreation, co-created by Michael Schur. Schur also co-created Fox’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine, another satire of the police procedural TV genre. Angie Tribeca, a police procedural comedy, will premiere in 2015 with Jones starring. Maybe Angie Tribeca will be what Brooklyn Nine-Nine would have been if Jones was the star instead of Andy Samberg….

HT: Deadline

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