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Talking X-MEN and AVENGERS Team-Ups, THE DARK CRYSTAL Series, and More

A formidable tradition in comics, later television, and most recently movies, the crossing over of distinct properties allows the characters and worlds in question to experience new creative ground in light of unfamiliar company. And sometimes it’s just a hokey cash-grab. Either way, the news of an unexpected crossover is always interesting, and we’ve got a couple of examples on the horizon in today’s Nerdist News Talks Back.

Kicking off today’s episode, host Jessica Chobot, Nerdist’s Editor-in-Chief and Alpha Book Club headmaster Rachel Heine, and Nerdist’s senior editor and The Dan Cave namesake Dan Casey will tackle the final frontier of the Marvel’s plan for world domination: mutants!


Now that Sony has teamed with Disney to bring Spider-Man into the MCU, the next step is mending fences with 20th Century Fox to team the Avengers and company up with the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. Kevin Feige has said that he’d love to see all the Marvel Comics players under his roof (of course), but is this union too much to hope for? Tune in to hear Jess, Rachel, and Dan tackle the question.

Next, we move on to the latest in exciting reboot news: a The Dark Crystal prequel series on Netflix. As with the revival of every beloved property from our childhoods, this one comes with some hard-hitting questions: do we want to see a new Dark Crystal series in this day and age? Did the original give us too many nightmares to begin with? And though the program is utilizing practical puppets, might there be room for CGI as well?


Finally, back to crossover news. And might we say, some decidedly weird crossover news at that. Supernatural is roping in another famous troupe of ghost-hunting detectives for a forthcoming episode: Scooby-Doo and co. And yes, the hour will be animated. So… what?!

Accepting this as reality and not just some wacky fever dream, what do we think about the concept of Supernatural teaming up with Scooby-Doo? And what are some of the best crossovers in pop culture history? Let us know your thoughts!

Images: 20th Century Fox

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