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Take Flight With a Wingsuit and a GoPro, Then Hug the Ground

Like many, I’ve always dreamed of flying free like a bird—unmoored from the forces of gravity and the land, able to travel into the yonder of the blue sky. Well that dream is dead after this horrifying but incredible GoPro footage of a wingsuit flyer traveling over a mountain.

Jumping from the mountains in Chamonix, France (Viva la France!), Graham Dickinson showed the absolutely insane, high-speed, daring flight of a wingsuit flyer from about as first-person a perspective as it gets without putting the whole thing on. This looks like one of the absolute most dangerous things a human can do, as he flies over rocky terrain and through trees and oh my god this almost doesn’t seem real.

While the GoPro on Graham’s head lets you feel like you personally are about to fly straight into certain death, this video shot from behind him by fellow wingsuit flyer Dario Zanon does an even better job of showing the speed at which the two are traveling.

They also put another camera on Graham’s head, but facing backwards, so you can see Dario hovering above. It’s tough to judge exactly how far above the ground Graham is on this crazy-ass flight: sometimes it looks like he is absolutely going to crash into a tree or a rock, thankfully the video below gives you an idea of how much lower he is than his fellow flyer:

These videos are amazing and terrifying and I think I’m going to need to lie down after watching them. What other death-defying act would you like to see get the GoPro treatment? Fly into our comments section with your ideas.

Image: GoPro/YouTube

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