kyle hill

Tesla's Electric Vehicle Competition Sucks

Can You Really Implant Memories in Replicants?

Everything We Know About Elon Musk's Big Freakin' Rocket

Nerdist Celebrates Halloween All October with Nerdoween 2017

The Science of Kraken Strength

SpaceX Wants to Make a Helpful SkyNet

Calculating the Density of Legolas

Would Sandy's Treedome Implode?

How Fast Do Tails' Tails Have to Spin to Fly?

Engine Maker Cummins Prematurely Releases Electric Semi, Beating Tesla

The Science of STREET FIGHTER's "Sonic Boom"

The Latest Hyperloop Test Pod Obliterates the Speed Record

Can the Flash Take a Truly Hands-Free Selfie?

Elon Musk is Cancelling the Apocalypse

Elon Musk's AI Just Slaughtered One of the World's Best DOTA 2 Players

RECOIL is the Augmented Reality Laser Tag Game of Your Dreams

Did Elon Musk Predict the Robot Uprising?

Elon Musk is Turning Australia Into a Giant Battery

Elon Musk is Having a Way Better Month Than All of Us

Team Nerdist Discovers (and Abuses) Their Buggy New Super Powers

Could the MEN IN BLACK "Neuralize" You?

Elon Musk is Destroying the Cost of Getting to Space

Join Us on the Bizarre Pop Culture Quest that is THE SPAACE PROGRAM