THE LAST JEDI's Kelly Marie Gushes About Porgs

Was Supreme Leader Snoke More Powerful Than Emperor Palpatine?

Why PACIFIC RIM UPRISING's Amara Is Your New Favorite Character

The Anime and Tokusatsu Film Influences of PACIFIC RIM UPRISING

Captain Phasma Didn't Die in THE LAST JEDI

Traveling to Mexico Changed How I Watch COCO

The Biggest Challenges in Making A WRINKLE IN TIME

The Biggest Challenges in Rebooting TOMB RAIDER

Why Alicia Vikander Wanted to Play Lara Croft After Winning Her Oscar

The Best/Worst Movie Line Dubs in Cable TV History

A Lightsaber Tribute to STAR WARS REBELS' Kanan Jarrus

Tessa Thompson Reveals Her Dream Lady Liberators Lineup

WOLVES IN THE WALLS Raises the Bar for VR Filmmaking

BLACK PANTHER 2 Could Mean Doom for the MCU

ANNIHILATION's Female Cast Marks a Sci-Fi Paradigm Shift

Why BLACK PANTHER's Representation Matters, According to the Cast

Why Lando Calrissian Has So Much Swag

Why the BLACK PANTHER Challenge Is So Important

This Robot Will Destroy You...in SCRABBLE

The Game Boy is Back and Better Than Ever

Why Grand Admiral Thrawn is the Jon Snow of STAR WARS

The Real Villain of THE LAST JEDI is Poe Dameron

Here's What Really Happened to Ben Solo's Lightsaber in THE LAST JEDI