Alex Kingston

GAME OF THRONES Delayed by Winter, Alex Kingston on GILMORE GIRLS

Alex Kingston Will Appear on GILMORE GIRLS (Sorry For the Spoilers, Sweeties)

John Barrowman Introduces DOCTOR WHO’s Captain Jack Harkness Funko Pop Vinyl

DOCTOR WHO Review: 'The Husbands of River Song'

Here’s How River Song is Involved in the DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special

DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special is Headed to the Movies

TV-Cap: River Song's DOCTOR WHO Return, Supernatural Photos

Alex Kingston Returning to DOCTOR WHO for Christmas Special

River Song Will Join Eighth Doctor for New Audio Adventure

Steven Moffat Would Totally Bring River Song or Captain Jack Back to DOCTOR WHO

The River Song Story (With Spoilers!)

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Trailer

A “Doctor Who” Console Game!