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Taco Bell’s Annual Friendsgiving Dinner Menu is Pretty Impressive (and Bizarre)

Who doesn’t love Taco Bell? Sure, it’s not high-brow food, but there’s nothing better to grab after a night of partying, to aid a late-night study session, or cure a craving. And while the Mexican fast food joint may not be the first place you think of when you think Thanksgiving, it turns out Taco Bell pulls out all of the stops ever November with an epic dinner in celebration of the holiday.

For the fifth year in a row now, Taco Bell held their Friendsgiving Dinner (you know, Thanksgiving but with friends instead of family) at their headquarters in Irving, California. And as People reports, the small group of influencers who were invited were treated to quite a fabulous meal. The restaurant’s test kitchen rolled out several Thanksgiving classics with a bit of a Taco Bell twist, and we have to admit that it all sounds pretty impressive. The chain tweeted out the official menu, so you can take a look and maybe even get some ideas for your own Friendsgiving extravaganza.

Some of this stuff looks incredibly tasty, like the jalapeño butter biscuits, the dessert options, and the taco supreme croquettes. But there are certainly a few eyebrow-raising options on the menu, too, like the Baja Blast-glazed ham, Cool Ranch potatoes, and the gordita stuffing. Still, a quick search through the hashtag #TacoBellFriendsgiving shows everyone having a great time, loving the food. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to try any of these Thanksgiving/Taco Bell fusions any time soon, as the dishes served at the Friendsgiving dinner are prepared for that night alone, and won’t be rolling out to local restaurants. So keep crossing your fingers for your very own invite to a Taco Bell Friendsgiving!

What do you think of the Friendsgiving menu? Does it sound tasty or gross? Have you ever tried some unexpected dishes for your own Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving dinners? Tell us about it in the comments!

Featured image: Taco Bell

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