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SUPERNATURAL’s Misha Collins Reveals “Cas Has Got His Mojo Back” in Season 12

Where in the world is Castiel?

The Supernatural season 11 finale ended on two major cliffhangers back in May: the resurrection of Dean (Jensen Ackless) and Sam’s (Jared Padalecki) mother and the fate of Sam’s life after he was shot by a new arrival from a different Men of Letters chapter. But as the season 12 premiere looms closer and closer, the one question on everyone’s mind is what’s going to happen with everyone’s favorite angel (played by Misha Collins) after he was banished from the Men of Letters bunker by Toni Bevell (Elizabeth Blackmore) in the last moments of the season finale.

Not much is known about where Supernatural is going to go in season 12 just yet, although that will definitely change in just less than two weeks’ time when the long-running CW show returns to San Diego Comic-Con’s Hall H for its annual, scoop-filled panel. But to tide you over until new details are revealed then, Nerdist went straight to Collins to discuss what fans can expect from this season … and his answers certainly got the Castiel hype train chugging along at full speed.

“Season 12 is actually going to feel like we’re getting back to the show’s roots,” Collins says. “It’s going to feel a lot like earlier seasons of the show, which I’m excited about. And the same really goes for my character in particular.”

Castiel has certainly had a tough go of it on the CW series for many years now, from having to deal with losing his grace and becoming human, to being Lucifer’s punching bag, to dying and being resurrected … multiple times. He’s definitely come a long way from when he was first introduced in one of Supernatural‘s most epic scenes of the entire series back in the season four premiere. That one shot with Castiel showing Dean his wings to prove he was an angel? Instantly iconic.


Collins remembers when someone asked him towards the end of last year, “What do you want to see with your character?” as season 11 was drawing to a close.

“I said, ‘I would love to have him go back to his badass, warrior quality from seasons four and five,'” Collins says. “But every time I have ever predicted or tried to predict where things were going for the show or my character, I’ve been wrong. So I fully expected for that to not be what was going to happen.”

And while he did get to play an entirely new, badass character for the rest of season 11 when Castiel allowed Lucifer (Mark Pelligrino) to possess his body in an attempt to defeat the Darkness, he didn’t get his wish when it came to Castiel himself. At least, until now.

“But it actually, as this season is unfolding, it feels like that is what’s happening,” Collins says. “Cas has got his mojo back. Finally. I’m so excited about that. I’m excited to see it unfold. I have a feeling that the fans won’t be disappointed.”

A badass, warrior Castiel? Yeah, that doesn’t sound disappointing at all. Bring on season 12!

Images: The CW

Supernatural season 12 premieres Thursday, October 13 at 9 p.m. on The CW.





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