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Superheroes Meet Art History in These Amazing Flemish Portraits of IRON MAN, R2-D2, and More

This is just too good, you guys. TOO TOO GOOD. As a fairly enthused art history nerd, I am all about mash-ups that come from unexpected places. And, well, is there anything more inexplicable than combining the portraiture of the early Flemish period with the superheroes (and villains) of our modern day comic books and movies like Iron Man and Wonder Woman and the heroes and villains of Star Wars?

Artist Sacha Goldberger did just that with Super Flemish. Re-appropriating styles from the Flemish school of artists, Goldberger decided to mash the two cultural touchstones together in order to find something new. Through that, these portraits tackle the darker, inner sides of these particular characters and expose the viewer to the side of their favorite superfolks they may have never considered. Melancholy!

We’ve included a few of his truly excellent works below:

Per his artist’s statement, Goldberger’s hope was “to confront these icons of American culture with contemporary painters of the Flemish school. The collection demonstrates the use of 17 century techniques counterpointing light and shadow to illustrate nobility and fragility of the super powerful of all times. It also invites you to celebrate the heroes of your childhood. These characters have become icons to reveal their humanity: tired of having to save the world without respite, promised to a destiny of endless immortality, forever trapped in their character.”

Which is really pretty apt when you consider just how cloaked in anonymity (we know) superheroes are at all times. In fancy art terms, basically, what it means is “these images allow us to discover, under the patina of time, an unexpected melancholy of those who are to be invincible. As science fiction meets history of art, time meets an inexhaustible desire for mythology which is within each of us.”

Deep, man. Deep.

Which one’s your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. Matt says:

    Here are a few more. There are a couple that are already shown above like Cap and R2D2 but there are a few that aren’t up there.

  2. grim says:

    Hmm…. this better not awaken anything in me.