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SUPERGIRL TV Series Unveils First Look at Iddo Goldberg as Red Tornado

Much like Arrow and The Flash before it, CBS’ Supergirl will be able to use some of DC Comics’ lesser-known heroes and villains. And one of the first additions to Supergirl will be Red Tornado, as played by Iddo Goldberg.

CBS has released the first photo of Goldberg in costume as the android known as Red Tornado, which you can see below.

Red Tornado
For comparison’s sake, here’s the comic book version of Red Tornado, as drawn by the late Michael Turner.

Red Tornado Comics
The first thought that comes to mind about the Red Tornado from Supergirl is that he looks a little bit like The Vision from Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. For a live-action costume, this Red Tornado at least resembles its comic book counterpart, but it’s missing the brighter yellows and any shades of blue that helped make the original design work. Now, there’s almost too much red on the Red Tornado’s costume!

Red Tornado actually made his comic book debut two months before Marvel’s Vision appeared in 1968. The comic book origin of Red Tornado is extremely convoluted, but the short version is that he was an android created by Dr. T.O. Morrow who gained sentience when an alien entity entered his body. Red Tornado first appeared as a villain before developing a heroic side with the Justice Society of America, and the Justice League of America.

On the Supergirl TV show, Red Tornado will at least initially be a threat to Supergirl and the people that she cares for. Goldberg will also be appearing as Morrow, which will explain why the creation looks so much like its creator. Like his comic book counterpart, Red Tornado will be able to create cyclones and storms in addition to flying.

Supergirl will premiere on CBS on Monday, October 26.

Comic fans, what do you think about the Red Tornado design from Supergirl? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image Credits: Warner Bros./CBS and DC Comics

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