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SUPERGIRL Recap: Supergirl, Superman, and a Mysterious Stranger

SUPERGIRL Recap: Supergirl, Superman, and a Mysterious Stranger

Editor’s Note: This post contains spoilers for CW’s Supergirl. Proceed with caution if you haven’t watched yet and wish to remain spoiler-free. 

For the first time since making the leap from CBS to The CW, Supergirl flew back into our lives last night. But the network wasn’t the only thing that changed. As we already knew would happen, Kara’s cousin Clark Kent (a.k.a. Superman) joined the fray, and the results were actually pretty adorable. There was something oddly heartwarming watching the fellow Kryptonian superheroes relate to one another and take on the world together as family. Of course, there was a lot more to the episode than that, so let’s dive right in.


The episode kicked off right where the previous season finale had left off, with Kara and co at her apartment sharing a toast… until they saw something falling from the sky. When Kara and J’onn located the landing site, they found a pod much like the one she and Clark arrived in as kids. While we did get to see this new mysterious passenger’s Kryptonian face, the majority of the episode was dedicated to introducing Tyler Hoechlin’s Clark Kent. And boy what a great Kent/Superman he is. Hoechlin is the perfect blend of awkward, charming, and obviously good-looking. Even Cat couldn’t help but swoon when he showed up at the office.

Later on, after Kara’s first and only date with Jimmy was interrupted (R.I.P. Jimmy and Kara relationship goals), Kara rushed off to save the folks aboard the Venture following a massive explosion. But she wasn’t the only one who responded the the crash. Her dashing, good-looking cousin Clark also donned his suit and cape and joined his older/younger cousin in the sky. It was immediately apparent how excited they were to be working together for the first time.

That familial chemistry continued when Clark decided to stick around for a while to learn more about the mysterious Kryptonian that fell from the sky. Like a big brother, Clark grilled Kara on her superhero crime-solving techniques (like actually using her x-ray vision to scan the man). That dynamic flipped several times when Kara mentioned changing his diapers, and that she would be happy to tell Clark more about his parents and Krypton.


The superteam’s research into the explosion led them to the desk of Lena Luthor, Lex’s sister. Despite being listed as a passenger on the Venture, Lena wasn’t accounted for during the crash, and that made Clark and Kara suspicious. When questioned about it, Lena explained that she skipped the flight to deal with the rebranding of L Corp, which was formerly known as LexCorp. While Clark was still skeptical, Kara had a feeling she was telling the truth. It turns out Kara is a great judge of character because Lena wasn’t involved in the catastrophe; rather, she was the target.

Apparently Lex, who is currently serving 38 life sentences  in prison thanks to Superman, hired a hitman named John Corben to go after his sis. Unfortunately for Lex, his minion failed and was later transformed into the classic DC villain Metallo. Aside from his new identity and origin story, we don’t know much about the new Metallo at the moment, but it was big seeing that the character make his way onto the show.

While dealing with the mysterious new Kryptonian, Lena, and the crash, Kara was also tasked with several personal questions. After the will they or won’t them shenanigans from last season, Kara broke the news to Jimmy that he’s going to be forever in the friend zone because she thinks they’d be better off that way. That gives Kara more time to think about saving the world as Supergirl, as well as the future of her career.


Cat offered Kara the job of her dreams, just so long as she decided what she wanted/needed to do with the rest of her life. When she was asked at the beginning of the episode, Kara explained that marketing would be a good choice, based on an aptitude test she took, and the agreeable salary. Wanting what’s best for her, Cat told Kara to figure out what Kara Danvers wants and craves for her own life.

After spending some quality time with her cousin, Kara decided that she wanted to be a journalist. This didn’t come as a surprise to Cat, who had written “reporter” on Kara’s résumé the day she hired her. She had a feeling that someone who was as passionate about justice as Kara was would make a great investigative journalist. During their chat, Cat delivered one of the strongest quotes of the night: “In order to live, we must keep daring.”

So far, with the entrance of Clark Kent, it seems like more emphasis is being put on Kara’s roots. Taking her own life by the reigns, and decididing that her pining for Jimmy was over, was a good step into understanding Kara as a person; where season one was about learning how to become Supergirl, season two will show Kara learning how to be herself in the normal world. With her cousin there to guide her, this season will be exciting to watch.

What did you think of the episode? Are you glad to have Supergirl back? Let us know in the comments, join the conversation on Facebook, or start one with me on Twitter: @Samantha_Sofka!

Images: The CW

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