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SUPERGIRL Recap: Homecoming

SUPERGIRL Recap: Homecoming

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Supergirl. Proceed with caution if you aren’t caught up yet.

This week’s episode of Supergirl felt a little more focused, which is a relief after how all over the place this season has felt. During “Homecoming”, a familiar face returned, bickering commenced, and it was revealed that there’s more than meets the eye to Mon-El. So much more, in fact, that it’ll likely rock the romantic boat he’s finally in with Kara. As always, there’s a lot to get through, so let’s get to it.

Last night’s episode found our favorite alien couple already playing house in the wake of their first kiss (which happened at the end of the previous episode). Soon after finding himself alone in the morning, Mon-El was joined by Kara, hot off the heels of saving the day, and grabbing a bouquet for her new honey. Mon-El didn’t want the fun to end and asked Kara if she’d take the day off to stay in with him. But as Kara pointed out, they have work to do at the DEO.

With that, the duo headed off to the DEO, but not before Kara asked Mon-El to keep their budding relationship on the DL. Of course, despite hesitantly agreeing to be silent, Mon-El broke the news to the rest of the crew. Nobody really looked surprised; J’onn made a quip about them needing to pay a visit to HR, and that was that. That is, until a Cadmus alert pulled Supergirl and Martian Manhunter away from the office. After taking on the Cadmus minions, they found Kara’s father, Jeremiah Danvers, in one of the trucks.

Almost everyone (except Mon) was over the moon about Mr. Danvers’ miraculous return. As expected, when Mon-El voiced his concern about how easy it was to save Jeremiah, and that it probably meant something was up, Kara and the team shrugged it off, but Jeremiah admitted that there was something going on after all. According to him, Cadmus was transporting a nuclear fission bomb with the intent of detonating it and blaming it on the aliens.

Supergirl homecoming Party

The mysterious bomb, and fact that Jeremiah was the only one capable of stopping it, added to Mon-El’s suspicions about Mr. Danvers’ true intentions. When he brought it up again during Jeremiah’s welcome home party, Kara told him to hit the road. As Jeremiah was escorting Mon-El out, he served up a juicy threat: he knows who Mon-El really is, and doubts Kara would like the truth. Oooh, finally–a mysterious nugget about Mon-El has revealed itself. What are his true intentions, and how do they connect to Kara? Hopefully we find out soon.

Until then, however, this episode was dedicated to figuring out what Jeremiah was up to. After keeping an eye on him (per Mon-El’s request), Winn discovered that Jeremiah used his brand new DEO keycard to access the server room so he could hack the file system. When questioned about it, Jeremiah explained that he was only trying to get caught up on what he missed. While this discovery finally put Kara on the skepticism train, Alex was still certain that her father should be trusted.

Before understanding their father’s true intentions, Alex and Kara received word that Cadmus was moving the bomb, and reported to the scene. Unfortunately, the alert was merely a distraction. Back at the DEO, J’onn followed Jeremiah and found him hacking into the server’s file system. When he confronted him, Danvers overpowered J’onn and got away. Luckily, Winn was able to locate him with the tracking device he’d planted on him earlier.

Supergirl Homecoming Father Daughter

When Alex and Kara found Jeremiah meeting with Lillian Luthor and Hank Henshaw, the girls were split; Alex went after her father, while Kara raced to stop a fatal train crash from happening. While her super sister was busy mending train tracks, Alex had an emotional encounter with her dad. After explaining that he did it all for her, Jeremiah gave Alex an ultimatum. Either she let him go, or shoot him to bring him in. She obviously chose the former and he escaped.

Realizing their father’s betrayal ripped Maggie and Kara’s respective hearts right out of their chests. Both girls sat in a pool of tears at home, but thankfully had their significant others to lean on. Amidst the tender moments, Kara received terrible news: Jeremiah stole the alien registry.

What does Cadmus want with the registry? Find out next week!

Images: The CW

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