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The recently released trailer for DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. film Suicide Squad was pretty well-received by fans. In fact, there is a pretty outspoken group of people on social media who seem to be more excited for this film than any of the rest of the superhero films on the way. Hey, who doesn’t love a villain, let alone a group of them? There have already been several video mashups with the new trailer, but today we have one redone entirely with clips from Batman: The Animated Series. How does anyone have time to do these things?


The trailer comes to us from an enterprising YouTube user named Reuven White. Guys, there are 85 episodes of the animated series out there. Imagine the work that went into finding just the right clips! Amanda Waller at dinner? How many times can that have happened? What makes this particularly cool is the fact that the character of Harley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie in the film, was created for Batman: The Animated Series by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm back in 1992. If you didn’t know that or you haven’t watched the series, go do it right now. Seriously, stop what you’re doing, tell the boss you’ve come down with a mystery bug and get your butt home to watch this show. It was brilliant! Mark Hamill as the voice of the Joker is an absolute revelation. Once you hear him, every other Joker voice is going to sound wrong.

Now, the fan trailer isn’t a shot-for-shot copy. How could it be? Certain characters look a bit different and Amanda isn’t cutting meat at dinner like she is in the trailer. (Seriously, when are studios going to stop using that meat-cutting thing to show us that something bad is happening?) Still, it’s pretty close. Here’s the original video is below so you can compare them, plus Nerdist News’ breakdown of the whole trailer:

Let us know what you think of the fan-made trailer in the comments below, and wager a guess at how many Harley-in-short-shorts cosplayers you think we’ll see at San Diego Comic-Con this year!


HT: Melty
Images: Warner Bros.

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