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Enjoy This Madding Fictional STRANGER THINGS Point-And-Click Game

Stranger Things has reignited our love for all things ’80s. While that nostalgia sent some of us back to watch our favorite movies and TV shows from the ’80s, the team at Penney Pixels was inspired to create a point-and-click video game based on Stranger Things. The video shows gameplay for Joyce Byers and Eleven. And though the video is frustratingly precise (the description even says as much), it’s a hoot to watch. Take a look:

The video is spot-on to the point-and-click gaming style, but watching Joyce try to hang her Christmas lights to communicate with Will is almost maddening. Thankfully, the video is delightfully self-aware. Joyce stops herself from asking Will about his location because he might reveal a spoiler, and she even comments on how long the video has been playing about three minutes in. When you play as Eleven, she eventually says “There’s nothing there. I don’t know what to tell you,” after you continue to investigate the nothingness surrounding her in the sensory deprivation tank.

The video will definitely take you back to the old point-and-click games from back in the day, and will most certainly get you pumped for Stranger Things 2, which hits Netflix next month. And if you want to see some of your favorite movies and TV shows turned into classic video games, you can hit up the Penney Pixels YouTube, where they have turned It into a retro hide-and-seek adventure, Rogue One into a classic building simulator, and they even create an intentionally bad video game adaptation of Gravity.

What did you think of the video? What other shows would you like to see turned into retro video games? Tell us what you think in the comments!

Feature image: Penney Pixels

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