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STRANGER THINGS, HARRY POTTER Mash-Up Is A Shockingly Seamless Integration

A ragtag group of adorable kids stumbles into a universe full of supernatural powers, monsters, and places with names like the Vale of Shadows: sounds like a great pitch for… Harry Potter? Stranger Things? Can’t even tell?! That’s probably one of the reasons the above mash-up between the two stories works as well as a spell cast from Elev-err Hermione’s wand.

Recently posted by Comedy Central UK, the insanely well-edited mash-up is aptly titled “Potter Things,” and takes two of our favorite worlds and interlaces them so seamlessly sometimes it’s hard to tell that the actors weren’t actually on the same set simultaneously.

Every scene in the video, which comes via Variety, takes the stars of each respective franchise (Stranger Things will earn that title, just you wait), and drops them into the same scene where dialog like “You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach” and “That’s right, you better run! She’s our friend and she’s crazy,” plays together beautifully. Even Hermione and Eleven’s bloody noses track.

Some of the other highlights include a mix-up of John William’s “Hedwig’s Theme” and S U R V I V E’s Stranger Things intro theme, Mike and Harry caught in an epic stare-off, Joyce Byers’ Christmas light message board spelling out “Harry Potter,” oh and this little easter egg:


Who else likes dragon’s blood on their Eggo waffles?

What do you think about this seamless mash-up of Harry Potter and Stranger Things? Is this a brilliant reimagining of the two worlds, or is this an abomination on par with the Demogorgon? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and don’t miss the gallery of our favorite crossover moments (plus our intern Ellie’s AMAZING Halloween costume, “Granger Things,” down below.

Images: Netflix, Warner Bros. via Comedy Central UK

Here’s everything we know about Stranger Things Season 2 so far!


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