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Stephen Colbert is Making an Animated DONALD TRUMP Series for Showtime

Do you have enough Donald Trump in your life? Are the unending tweets and permanent fixture across all news outlets not enough for you? Did you watch Comedy Central’s The President Show and wish it had an animated counterpart? Well, look no further, because Showtime has given Stephen Colbert a 10-episode order for an animated half-hour series about the president.

According to a press release, the series will premiere on Showtime this fall as a “fresh, cutting-edge comedy” that “will present the truish adventures of Trump’s confidants and bon vivants – family, top associates, heads of government, golf pros and anyone else straying into his orbit – intrepidly exploring their histories and their psyches, revealing insights into what makes them so definitively Trumpian.”


Needless to say, we’re far from excited about the creation of another series lambasting our country’s current sociopolitical upheaval for laughs when our daily lives are already a barrage of just that. Listen: we get that catharsis is important, and people are, clearly, very in need of some catharsis, but there’s a difference between providing comedic relief and piling onto the audience.

The series is coming from The Colbert Report/The Late Show genius Stephen Colbert, so at least the writing is in good hands. But when Colbert says that he knows “a lot of people wanted to do this, and I’m honored that the Cartoon President invited our documentary crew into his private world,” he may be overestimating how much more of this an audience is willing to take.

But what do you think of the series announcement? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: Showtime
GIFs: CBS/Giphy

Alicia Lutes is the managing editor of Nerdist, host of Fangirling!, and frequent Twitter user. Follow her there for all the latest TCA updates!

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