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Stephen Colbert Explains Why He Was the Only Man Worthy of CAPTAIN AMERICA’s Shield

Did you know Stephen Colbert was dubbed the most patriotic man in all of America by the king of America himself? It’s true — the host of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report has red, white, and blue running through his veins with such tenacity that it was he Captain America dubbed worthy of carrying the symbol of life, liberty, and justice for all. More so than any other man, woman, and child in America. USA! USA! USA!

On Tuesday night the real version of the faux newsman sat down with a shiny and new be-setted Late Night with Seth Meyers and recounted the tale from 2007, and why he was so amused by the fact that the gift made his wife cry. But I mean, wouldn’t you if your husband/wife/partner/whatever was dubbed the most patriotic human in America? That is nothing if not a mighty label to wield, and we all know with great power comes great responsibility. And Mr. Colbert (the fake one) is nothing if not a wizened and rational leader of the masses.


If you’re a fan of the Report, you’ve no doubt noticed the shield in the background of his set, as it has been on display since he received the gift in 2007. Here’s video from the day the fictionalized version of himself received the shield on his very real, satirical television show:


So — I think the next question that remains to be answered is this: who gets to keep the shield when The Colbert Report ends its run this year? Real Stephen Colbert or “Stephen Colbert,” eh? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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