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Stephen Colbert and Tom Lennon Battle Magic and Machinery

Before the weekend can really start we need to know who would win a battle between two random, hypothetical combatants. That’s right, it’s time for Friday Night Fights with Stephen Colbert.

Joining Colbert on The Late Show was actor and screenwriter Tom Lennon, with the two debating who would win a rare tag-team battle that pitted duos made up of both the magical and the mechanical: Gandalf and Optimus Prime against Dumbledore and Voltron.



Lennon backed Gandalf and Optimus Prime, with Colbert arguing for Dumbledore and Voltron. A lot of this debate focused on the questionable tactics of the Hogwarts Headmaster, though Lennon made a strong point about how Gandalf can keep dying and coming back as different colors. I was really swayed though when Lennon pointed out how strong Optimus Prime is since he has survived four Michael Bay films.

I do hope future guests on the show note how often Colbert tries to get his opponent to concede a point he has no intention of conceding himself. The man fights dirty!

While they laid out the merits for each side, as always it is you the viewer that will decide the ultimate victors of machine and wizardry, by voting on Twitter for the winner.

As for the last Friday Night Fights segment, where Rob Riggle argued on behalf of Casper the Friendly Ghost against the girl from The Ring, the Colbert-backed dark-haired horror won a close 53% to 47% battle over the pleasant spook.

So who ya got? Tell us which tag team you would bet on in this battle and why in the comments below.

Images: CBS

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