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Stephen Colbert and Kermit the Frog Ask the Big Questions

Stephen Colbert is one of the best entertainers of this day and age and there’s little you could do to improve anything he does. We came to the conclusion long ago that his bits are almost always prefect. Colbert must know this because when trying to make an already great bit even better, he has to hire the big guns. The variety show king. The reigning champion of hosting for the last 50+ years. None other than Kermit the Frog.

On Monday, the one and only Kermit visited The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and joined Stephen for his “Big Questions with Even Bigger Stars” segment. The bit is reminiscent of “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey” except with the added bonus of the Colbert writing team and the occasional muppet. In it, Kermit the Frog and Stephen the Person take turns mulling over some of the bigger questions in their lives. What makes a bit like this special is the few moments when Stephen almost breaks down laughing while reacting to Kermit as if he were sincerely unprepared for the punchlines. You’ll even hear a few edits in the audience laughter and quick camera changes where they undoubtedly cut out some Colbert giggle fits.

Other than the near breaks in Colbert’s demeanor, some of the best moments involved Kermit answering existential questions like if he thinks there’s someone controlling his every move and whether or not they’re being watched. There’s now a Colbert/Muppet shaped hole in our hearts that we didn’t know was there before and we need to see more of them together. Hopefully, judging by the delight on Colbert’s face during the segment this won’t be the last time we see this duo.

It’s fair to say we need a Kermit & Colbert show, right? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

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