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STELLA Released Their First Short Film Since 2008

STELLA Released Their First Short Film Since 2008

If you are unfamiliar with the comedy stylings of Stella, you’ve long been missing out on the surreal, vulgar, modern day answer to what the Marx Brothers would look like if they all wore suits and didn’t care about committing to a plot or premise. But whether you have never even heard of the troupe or have seen everything that Michael Showalter, David Wain, and Michael Ian Black have ever done, there’s big news: they just released their first short film since 2008 (And oddly enough, it doesn’t include a single sex toy. My how they’ve grown.)

Wain hit Vimeo with the trio’s newest video, “Rip Van Winkle,” which they filmed in their hotel room in January before their show at San Francisco Sketchfest. You can watch it here, but just a head’s up–there is one F-bomb dropped… granted, that count making this the cleanest short film they have ever made by a mile.

I really missed those suits.

This film, which sees the guys waking up after a 20-year nap (or is it 21?), marks their 20th anniversary as a group. They originally began performing together as Stella in 1997 in New York City, headlining at the Fez nightclub until 2005. That summer, they created and starred in a (way too short) 10-episode show on Comedy Central.

Their short films, which were often crass but always fantastic, became a part of their live show in ’98; by 2004, they had produced 27 of them. Until this week, the last one was “Birthday,” which they made in late 2008. Again, NSFW.

But their classic shorts even more NSFW.

Hopefully we don’t have to wait another nine (or is it eight?) years for another stroke of genius from Stella. What’s your favorite short they’ve ever produced? Wake up from your nap and tell us in the comments below.

Featured Image: David Wain

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