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STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI’s New IMAX Poster Drapes Rey in Ominous Red

After months of worrying that The Last Jedi would feature a Luke Skywalker who has succumbed to the Dark Side, we’re now becoming more concerned about the likelihood of Rey going bad. After the last full trailer strongly suggested that possibility, a new IMAX poster for the film has her draped in a color scheme that can best be described as “Sith lightsaber red.”

The latest promotional item for the film (which we came across at USA Today) features Rey, Luke, Kylo Ren, General Leia, Poe Dameron, Finn, newcomer Rose Tico, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8, and Captain Phasma. Most everyone is dressed in black or brown, with a red streak running behind (and even partly through) the lot of them… that is, until we get to the bottom of the poster, where Rey is clad in a stylish cloak of that same bright crimson.

In the galaxy far, far away, that’s a hue associated with evil: The Sith, Darth Vader, Kylo, and the Knights of Ren. Not exactly the the color we’d expect to see worn by a Jedi Knight in-training. Though we wouldn’t bet on Rey going bad altogether, we’d guess that a big part of The Last Jedi will revolve around her facing the challenge of denying the Dark Side, the same way the other two Star Wars  trilogies’ protagonists did in their middle movies. It was something Luke grappled with in The Empire Strikes Back, and one Anakin failed in Attack of the Clones when he killed the village of Tusken Raiders.

Hopefully Luke can teach her how to overcome the power of the Dark Side the way he did. If not, we’ll be the ones seeing red.

But what do you think? What does this look mean for Rey? Tell us in the comments below what you see in her future?

Images: Lucasfilm/IMAX

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