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STAR WARS TRANSFORMERS Return With a Revamped Millennium Falcon

The last time Star Wars Transformers were a thing, the prequels were in theaters, and the toys were aimed at kids, with light and sound features, try-me packaging, and reasonably easy transformations. More than a decade later, the kids who first loved those toys are older, and potentially in the market for something more intricate. Tomy Takara has delivered, with a revamped version of the Han and Chewie Millennium Falcon Transformer, found via Toyark.

Removing the electronics allows for a less bulky, more screen-accurate Falcon–and yes, it’s the original trilogy Falcon, with radar dish and front “pincer” section. Like the first version, it splits apart to form giant mecha versions of Han and Chewie, but the sculpts and transformation are all new. Chewbacca, for example, looks like he’s ready to join a Wookiee version of pro-wrestling’s Legion of Doom.

Han’s mech, on the other hand, looks like the spawn of Jetfire and Megatron.

Thus far, this Millennium Falcon is only available as an important, with a price tag of $134.99. Hasbro could rerelease it domestically later, but we have no idea yet if they will; presumably, much depends on the success of the Solo movie (even though it is not the Solo movie version of the ship, which fills in the pincer section). If you want to be certain to get this one, best to preorder now.

Maybe it’s time for some new-era Star Wars Transformers–anyone up for a Supremacy that turns into Snoke? A Starkiller Base Captain Phasma? For guaranteed sales, how about a BB-8 that turns into robo-Porg? Let us know your thoughts below.

Images: Takara

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