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STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Has World Premiere City and Date

No need to make the Kessel Run, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has a world premiere city and date!

According to The Hollywood Reporter, LucasFilm and Disney have announced that the world premiere of the highly anticipated Star Wars film will be in Los Angeles on December 14, 2015, followed soon after with a London premiere. So yeah, take THAT, England!

There’s no doubt that this is one of the most anticipated movie premieres in—let’s face it—decades. Considering how tightly kept footage and trailers have been so far, it’s clear that admission to the event will be a hot commodity. A franchise held in such high regard across the world one can imagine how difficult it will be to get an invite. Add to that the fact J.J. Abrams and company managed to make it through San Diego Comic-Con and Star Wars Celebration without too much (any) footage of the film being shown is impressive in it’s own right and shows that the studios really want it to be seen almost entirely with fresh eyes when it hits theaters.

We here at Nerdist are even excited at the idea of the red carpet. Seeing Harrison Ford, Carrie Fischer, Mark Hamill, Peter Mayhew, and Anthony Daniels and others back together again in one spot will surely cause at least one of us an anerdrysm. (That’s a nerdy aneurysm). Not to mention the new cast being star-studded enough already with John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac.

We’re ready to sell our souls to the devil or at least turn to the Dark Side for a ticket. Let us know what bargains with the Sith you’d make to be at the premiere in the comments below!

HT: HollywoodReporter
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