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STAR WARS Murals Made from 3,000 Post-it Notes

When your company has a sizable amount of free wall space, employees who are Star Wars fans, and access to thousands of Post-it notes, it can only lead to one thing: galactic murals.

Teams of employees at Viking are regularly given the opportunity to decorate the open walls in the office, and some of them were inspired by Ben Brucker’s superhero murals made from rows and rows of square Post-it notes. They took the concept and applied it to four characters from Star Wars: Darth Vader, R2-D2, Yoda, and stormtrooper.

The above timelapse video shows the art installation coming together. Surprisingly, it only took five hours for four people to complete the murals. I would have estimated at least a weekend. They used 3,597 Post-it notes in the process and did not state how many paper cuts they suffered for the sake of their art.

Before they started sticking Post-it notes to the walls, they spent about an hour designing and planning. They ended up choosing the characters they did because their colors were more readily available in Post-it form. They used a to-scale grid to guide them in placing each note — they probably also tapped into the Force. There wasn’t any extra adhesive to make the notes stick, but since the walls are also giant whiteboards, I don’t think they have to worry about their murals falling apart anytime soon.

Are any of you now planning to order thousands of Post-it notes? Head to the comments and let me know what you’d make. I might have to redecorate my room with a Captain Phasma Post-it mural.


IMAGES: Viking, Imgur

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