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Add Millennium Falcon Waffles to Your Balanced STAR WARS Breakfast

“You’ve never heard of Millennium Falcon waffles? It’s the breakfast that made the Kessel Brunch in less than 12 platefuls.” We assuming that’s about how the commercial for this Star Warsthemed waffle iron would go. (After all, Star Wars ads have certainly done weirder things in the past.) Corny commercials aside, the idea of shaping your breakfast into the most famous ship in the universe is pretty darn awesome. Take a look:This delightful kitchen appliance with the ability to convert globs of batter into crispy YT-1300f light freighters comes to us via a recent post on io9 and is vying for a good spot on our holiday wish lists. The waffle iron is being sold on Amazon for $40 which is pretty standard for nerdy waffle makers.

Anyone who’s ever made waffles knows that it’s never an entirely mess-free process. Truth be told, waffles rarely ever turn out as immaculately as they look in the advertisements. However, the Falcon iron and the similar BB-8 iron from Think Geek, which we featured last year, seem to boast fairly straightforward designs. Neither iron shows off any tricky crevasses into which stray batter might get unfortunately lodged, other than maybe the cockpit. Still, even that’s forgivable, considering how pumped we are to get the opportunity to sink our teeth into tasty Rebel Alliance insignia-branded breakfast treats.

What do you think of this breakfast gadget? Better than BB-8? Less evil than the Death Star? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Images: Amazon | Pangea Brands

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