Disneyland fans have long created their own unofficial days to get together and celebrate festivities in the park, all within the Disney Resort guidelines. Gatherings usually revolve around a character or a fandom and word of mouth spreads via social media.
Such was the case this weekend when Star Wars fans gathered in the name of Rey. Ever since The Force Awakens first hit theaters in December, Rey fans have been unhappy with the lack of Rey merchandise and answering the #WheresRey call by creating their own toys, fan art, and fashion.
The unofficial Rey Day was created by vintage Disney enthusiast, Lady Damfino, who wore “Jakku chic†for the event. Per the facebook page, fans were to gather together in their best Rey attire at Disneyland in Tomorrowland, which is currently decked out for Star Wars Season of the Force. Fans that were unable to attend were encouraged to join in online by sharing their fandom with the hashtag #reyday2016.
At the park, I ran into a lot of Rey fans, most of whom were easily spotted by their take on Rey’s signature hair style. I also talked to a bunch of younger Rey fans who weren’t even aware of Rey Day, they just loved the character so much they came to the park dressed as their favorite new heroine. The tiny Rey fans were beyond adorable and happy to show off their outfits for a day in the park.
Whether it was vintage, Disneybounding, or straight up cosplay, fans’ Rey interpretations were an inspiring sign that love for female lead characters in the Star Wars fandom is alive and well.
Check out more Rey Day photos in the gallery. Are you a fan of Rey? Let us know in the comments and tag @nerdist and @justjennrecipes on Instagram with all of your Rey fandom photos!
IMAGES: Jenn Fujikawa